Sunday, October 14, 2012


things in Honduras rarely change quickly, but from time to time they do...and they change really quickly! so..last week Erin told me that a bi-lingual school in a small town called Camasca, near where she works, that was in need of an English teacher for the pre-kinder, who better to warp the minds of young Hondurans than yours truly?  I mean, I tought swimming lessons a few I should be able to teach education...right???

Apparently they have a teacher, but she speaks little to no English, thus defeating the purpose of a bi-lingual school...and they may or may not have even been holding classes, so they needed someone right away.  I was offered the job on Thursday, and they asked me to start, I canceled the last 2 weeks of my Spanish school and hopped on a bus to La Esperanza (about 4 hours from Camasca) on Saturday morning.  I will be doing a home stay in Comasca with a total Spanish speaking family, and I plan on finding someone to teach me more the learning will continue!

I have to admit, I'm really nervous about this whole teaching thing, but it's with little kids, so it will probably just be a lot of singing and playing and coloring...and luckily there is a real teacher there, so I just have to hope that I can understand Spanish well enough to translate what she is saying to the kids...

here's to hoping and yet another new adventure....


  1. LOL this singing playing and coloring just makes me laugh a will have so much fun!!! can't wait to hear about it.

  2. How fun, this will be such a fantastic experience.

  3. Maybe those little kids will teach you some Spanish. Have a fun time - are there many mosquitoes where you are now? Are you always in flip flop weather where you are? Love you, Granny

  4. So they had a teacher that only spoke Spanish and no English so they canned her and they hired a teacher that only speaks English and no Spanish. I am laughing out load!! You will be amazing. You could start with the Happy Birthday song since we already taught you that one!! Loves.

  5. can you remember the one you used to sing with Louise??? that would be a good one,and good morning to you good morning to youuuu good morning dear teacher......and so on ..yes "so many & so muchos sugerencia... my shpanish is grwoing by leaps and bounds just having this conversation!!!!

  6. wow beans that was a shift in your plans! so you teach yittle kids now! that means your reee grown up! i've sure been thinking about your adventures lately! jake is 16lbs now; chunk. he gets his 2 month shots tomorrow. :o( poor babe. love you yots! -momma nen

  7. that's exciting! does your new job pay!?
