Monday, October 22, 2012

strange no more...

since living in Honduras for the past month, there are a few things that are no longer strange to me, such as:

chickens in the kitchen
randomly spotting chicken poop/pee in the living room, and cleaning it up
ants in the sugar
ants in my them out and continue drinking
lizards scampering out from behind everything
walking everywhere...because it is actually faster than driving
having irregular bowel movements, always of interesting consistency (or lack thereof)

and, there are still a few (actually a lot) of things that I'm still getting used to:

lizards scampering out from behind everything...they get me every time.
evidence that mice and/or rats have also been studying my spanish
always being a little dirty
running water every other day (for 2 hours)
showering every other (or every 3) days
freezing. cold. bucket. showers....they take my breath away every time, in the most unromantic way possible


  1. BRRRRRR. thinking of those cold bucket showers makes me very cold! love reading the blog jill! what experiences you've had already!

    miss ya! xoxo


    1. one must remember that the climate is tropical there and a cold shower there would not be NEAR as cold as a cold shower would be HERE this time of year ...brrrr acious!!!
